Town Utilities
The Town of Prosperity provides its residents with the following services:
Electric, Water, Sewer (upon availability), Trash Pick-up, and Security Lights.
The Town processes all billings for these services. Utility payments are due by the 10th of each month and utilities will be disconnected for non-payment after the 25th of each month.
To obtain residential or commercial utility services within the Town of Prosperity, you must complete either the Application for Commercial Utility Services or the Application for Residential Utility Services. Once completed, please submit it to the Town Hall located at 305 N. Main Street in Prosperity. A copy of a valid identification card and Social Security card are required for our files.

All customers outside of the town limits which are serviced utilities by the Town of Prosperity will pay 1 ½ times the in-town rate.
For more information, please visit our office at 305 N Main St. or call 803-364-2622
Your Water & Sewer
When it comes to your water and sewer, we make every effort to notify our residents of potential problems facing their public utility services. Below is a list of steps that we take to identify these problems, as well as, communicate with our residents so that they can address them in a timely manner.

The Bill
Before your final bill is calculated, our billing clerk manually goes through each meter reading in order to check for any unusual spikes in your water usage. If your current reading is significantly higher than what it normally is during an average month, this can be a sign of a potential water leak either on your property or within your home.

Whenever one of our customers has an unusually high reading, we add their name to what is called our “re-read list.” This list is then given to a member of our Utility Department so that they can conduct a second reading of your meter. We do this in order to verify that the original reading was correct, and also to see if your water usage is continuing to increase at an unusual rate. Additionally, this gives us an opportunity to see if the leak is occurring on the Town owned service line, or on the private service line maintained by the property owner. Typically, if water is flowing through the meter, then the leak is a result of damages to the private service line maintained by the property owner.

Once your reading is verified, we begin making calls to notify residents of their high water usage and to see if they are aware of any problems with their home utilities. In most cases, our residents admit to just using a lot of water recently and there is no need for concern. However, there are instances where a resident was either out of town or has barely used any water for that month, and appreciates us notifying them that there may be a problem with their plumbing.

Door Hanger
If we are unable to reach you by phone, then we will have someone from our Utility Department stop by and leave a door hanger on your front door. These hangers are bright green and usually have a message on them asking for you to give us a call.
Preventing F.O.G and Sanitary Sewer Overflows
F.O.G stands for fats, oils, and grease that are found in kitchens as an ingredient for, or by-product of, food preparation. When these products are poured down sinks, garbage disposals, or stormwater drains, they cause what’s known as F.O.G pollution. This can lead to blockages, backups, pipe bursts, and overflows whenever these products begin to solidify and accumulate around the insides of underground sewer pipes. Learn More